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Passionate Gem

Peace Lily #163 Plant by Passionate Gem

Peace Lily #163 Plant by Passionate Gem

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Peace Lily in a 6" nursery pot.


☀️The ideal spot is where it will receive medium to bright indirect light. Peace lilies can handle low light, part shade. Place in a window with dappled sun or a spot in the middle of a room or directly In a window facing west or east.

💧The plant will droop a bit when thirsty, telling you when it needs a drink. If you pay attention to when It usually starts to sag, you can plan to water one day before It generally happens. Watering about once a week and spritzing leaves with water throughout wil help keep your peace hydrated.

💊They do not need to be fertilized often. Once a month or so during the growing season. Feed during the spring and summer months with a fertilizer that has a NP (nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium) ratio of approximately 10-10-10. For the amount to use, follow product label Instructions and then dilute by half. Too much fertilizer may result in brown tips.

🐜 All plants from Passionate Gem are treated monthly with a natural spray consisting of hydrogen peroxide, natural soap and neem oil diluted with water--but that doesn't mean once they go to a new home it can't catch a critter infestation from surrounding plants or soil. (Even flowers can be a carrier of pests!)  Preventative maintenance Is key! Check your plants often, clean leaves by giving the occasional shower or wiping with a clean damp cloth. Use clean pots and fresh quality soil when transplanting. A spray, like mentioned above, is a really great preventative measure as well.

🌡️Grows best In warmer than average room temperatures between 65-80°F but no lower than 55°F. Avoid sudden temperature drops and cold drafts. Peace lilies will enjoy higher humidity, but can tolerate normal room humidity levels. humidity. Most homes sit around 30 to 50%, you can provide additional humidity from a humidifier, dally misting or placing in a bathroom or kitchen.

🪴Do not repot right away. Let the plant stay in its nursery pot for at least a few months to get used to Its new home. Most plants go dormant in the winter so do not repot them then because they could go into shock. It's best to repot every 1-2 years during the growing months of spring and summer. This plant grows best in a light, peat-based potting soil. It is beneficial to blend in some perlite to Improve drainage. They can become slightly root-bound before repotting.

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